Photo Friday – Six years late

This week pretty much sucked. Not diabetes-wise, just life in general (hence, the lack of blogging and Twittering; there just hasn’t been time). Life can be frustrating sometimes.  But when I went outside to drop something in the mailbox Thursday evening, I found a package that UPS had left on my doorstep.


This made me smile. It even has my name engraved on it, along with the word “Bronze” and something so tiny that I can’t read it.

Thank you, Lilly. Thanks for saving my life twenty-five thirty-one years ago.

Now, it’s just nineteen more years until I get the 50-year medal.

This post was recognized as a Best of the ‘Betes Blog for “Best Use of Photography” in September 2012.
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Posted on September 14, 2012, in Diabetes. Bookmark the permalink. 15 Comments.

  1. Your diabetes is as old as I am… Uh… I mean congratulations on 31 years. That is great.


  2. You have done a great job of living with D. Congrats!


  3. Congratulations, Scott! Well deserved, I’m sure. =)


  4. Congrats, Scott! So awesome to see you getting that medal. I did the same thing, in delaying.. just not as long. Was a year or so after my 25 years I finally got all the paperwork together and submitted (same for Joslin) and then got mine. Same year my mom got her 50. Looking forward to being around for the next one, too!


  5. Congrats! I have one year and a couple of months until my 25th year. And when I get there… I’m SOOO going to get one! haha!


  6. Scott, congratulations! Of course, this recognition is way overdue.

    I have a feeling the next 19 years will be (wait for it)… a piece of cake.


  7. Yay!!!!! I love that Lilly gives us a 25-year medal – we totally deserve it. I never noticed my name engraved on mine, I’ll have to go check and see if it is. Counting down to my 50 too!!


    • Karen, the sticker on the box (from the company that made the medal) said “Jeweler – Engraver”, so that inspired me to look for it. Otherwise, I may never have noticed.

      (Also, the engraving is on the back; the front has a larger “JA 25” logo without the space in between; and the caption at the bottom is “A celebration of live well lived”, rather than the “25 years of life…” you see in the image above).


  8. That is AWESOME. My diaversary is 10//20/1992 so I have another 5 years to go … but I plan on trying to get it, too! Just gotta figure out what paperwork since I’m not going to be able to have the hospital records (urgh).


    • Lilly doesn’t require any documentation to prove a date of diagnosis, so you should be OK (though they reserve the right to ask for it). With Joslin, I believe you need to submit evidence with your application.


  9. Congratulations! I never sent for the Lilly one. Joslin just sent a certificate. I will need to fill out the one for Lilly. Mine will only be 4 years late!


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