Wordless Wednesday: Sticks and stones


It sticks (usually) without a problem, but I can never seem to get the IV3000 properly positioned so it covers the entire transmitter and sensor. What’s the secret?

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I can’t believe people used to sharpen their reusable syringes with these things.

Posted on September 4, 2013, in Wordless Wednesday. Bookmark the permalink. 7 Comments.

  1. I use Tegaderm tape and usually have the same problem. I try to get it all the way over my MM CGM but I usually have one side that doesn’t get it all so I add another piece of tape which usually does the trick.


  2. Is that sharpener in your home?


  3. Very very careful with your tape placement. You can do it!

    Though I hate those rare occasions when the tape starts to peel and takes the sensor with it. Ugh!


    • I’ve tried lining up the seam in the IV3000 tape with the joint between the sensor and transmitter – no luck. Curved side on the sensor-side or transmitter side – haven’t figured that out either. There’s got to be some way to use those points for reference and get it right, I just haven’t been able to figure it out! (Using the back of my arm doesn’t make it any easier!)


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