#dblogweek – Day 6 – Creativity Wildcard

For the next week, I’ll be participating in the 3rd Annual Diabetes Blog Week (for more info, click on the banner above). Each day, D-Bloggers will be (mostly) blogging about a common topic but offering their own perspectives.

I’m not a real shutterbug, so instead of posting a collection of photos, I’ve decided to go with one of the week’s wildcard options and opt for the musical approach.  No, I won’t sing (you’ll need to do that yourself, in your own head), but the tune should be familiar – it’s to the national anthem O Canada.  (If you don’t know the tune, click on the video at the bottom of the page.)

The song is all parody. I hope it’s not offensive, especially to Bethany, Valerie Anne, Kayla, and the other North-American PWDs who measure their blood glucose in mmol’s.

I’m not trying to mock Canada, I really do like it. The True North’s national pasttime is more exciting then baseball. Ice-skating on the Rideau Canal is on my life bucket-list. I’m in the market for a nice winter toque. I even own a few shares of Tim Horton’s stock. (I’m not sure about poutine, though). The only reason I’m picking on your National Anthem is because of its melody and musical flow. Plus, “The Scar-Spangled Belly” just doesnt have a nice ring to it.

So without further ado, please rise and as we pay homage to a great insulin infusion technology:

O cannula
I insert you by hand.
Subcutaneous love
Gives bolus on command!

Through teflon parts,
Basals customized
To work just right for me.

Though you’ve scarred my hide,
O cannula,
You’ve saved my A1C!

Your job keeps this man
O cannula, you live inside of me.
O cannula, you’re useless past day three!

Posted on May 19, 2012, in D-blog Week, D-blog week 2012, Humor, Insulin pump and tagged , . Bookmark the permalink. 2 Comments.
