August’s Best of the ‘Betes

It’s time to present the Best of the ‘Betes awards for August!

But first, I need to mention the sad news about Ryan, who lost his battle with cancer on Sunday. Personally, I’m not comfortable with eulogizing or mourning in a public forum like this.  While the DOC is, in a sense, a “family”, there is a truer, closer family (without quotes) that has known and loved each other for far longer and more affectionately than I’ve developed in an online relationship.  So, I choose to grant them the time and space they need to grieve, and if they call for me, I’ll be there.  (Of course, a personal note to say “we’re thinking of you” is always nice.)

One thing they have asked for is financial assistance.  Even though the attempts to bring Ryan back to health have stopped, the medical bills for those attempts are still outstanding.  From what I understand, they add up to quite a hefty chunk of change.  So if you are able and willing to help out, you can do so by clicking here.    By doing this, you will help lessen some of the weight that has Meri’s been carrying on her shoulders, and give her a little more time to focus on her family.

Now, on with the awards…

For Best Use of Humor, The award goes to C’s photo-blog What No One Talks About on C’s Life With D.

For Best Vlog, we bend the rules a bit and present the award to Kid President, who doesn’t exactly write a ‘Betes Blog, but does believe it’s time we all agreed on something:  How to say the word “diabetes”.

The Best Recipe isn’t exactly Bitter-Sweet, despite the name of the blog.  It’s Karen’s recipe for Egg Cups.

For Best Use of Photography, Katie, the Princess of Pavement, shows us that diabetes did not stop her from following her dreams, like having a baby.  Because I Can.

The Best Advocacy award goes to Chris at The Life of a Diabetic, for his Interview with Bennet Dunlap – FDA

The Best Story of a D-Meetup, coming from Everyday Highs and Lows, is the story of Shari and her two kids (and herself) meeting their Kindred Spirits.

The Best non-D Related Post comes from Canadian D-Gal Scully, who put herself through the ultimate physical challenge in Tough Mudder – I’ll never be in the military.

Our Best Story of a D-Mistake comes from the D-Meanderings blog, where Colleen had Oh, What a Rotten Night.

For Best Post by a Type-1, Jacquie writes about her expectations on Having the Baby, and Diabetes Too on Typical Type 1.  And while we’re at it, congratulations to Jacquie on the birth of her little Magpie!

The Best Post by a Type-2 award earns its merits by its title alone: #RunBitchRun, written by Morgie at The Teal and The Blue.

The Best Post by a Type Awesome goes to Wendy, for the second part of a two-part series, this one titled Solo Sleepover: The Rest of the Story.

The Best Post by a LADA/ Type 1.5/ Not otherwise specified tackles an issue those of us dx’ed as a child never have to face: how do we tell others about our new lives? It goes to Besties With Betes for Slowly Coming out of the Diabetes Closet

The Best Motivational Post follows a rather common theme in the awards this month.  It goes to Gina Capone’s guest-post on DiabetesMine: How Pregnancy With Diabetes Saved My Life.

Our Best Diabetes Art award goes to Stacey, who proudly shows us the three most important things in her life on a Wordless Wednesday.

The Best Reference to a D-Celebrity puts Naomi’s medical supplies on the small screen in When my Old Omnipod Became Famous on Pancreas On My Sleeve

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And there you have it!  If your blog is listed above, please feel free to add the Best of the ‘Betes badge to your blog.  Just add the following code (and Replace all [ ] with < >).

[div align=”center”][a href=”; target=”_blank”][img src=””%5D%5B/a%5D%5B/div%5D
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Also, thank you to all those who nominated posts this month and congratulations to those who were nominated:

A Sweet Life
Besties with Betes
Diabetes Mine
Enzo and Erni
Alecia – SurfaceFine
Alexis – I Run on Insulin
Brian – (Buzz Buzz) Not My Cell
Colleen – D-Meanderings
Chris – The Life of a Diabetic
Dave – The Tangerine Diabetic
Emily – Copy & Create by Emily
George – Ninjabetic
Jacquie – Typical Type 1
Jasmine – Silver-Lined
Jeff – Jeff Mather Photography
Karen – Bitter-Sweet Diabetes
Karen – Blah Blah Bklyn
Kari – Delightfully Diabetic
Kate – Sweet Success
Katie – Princess of Pavement
Kelly – Chasing Numbers
Kerri – Six Until Me
Kim – Texting My Pancreas
Lisa – Lisa from Scratch
Lorraine – This is Caleb
Maria – Climbing Diabetes
Morgie – The Teal and The Blue
Naomi – Pancreas on my Sleeve
Pearlsa – A Girl’s Reflections
Penny – A Sweet Grace
Rachel – Probably Rachel
Rachel – Tales if Rachel
Sara – Moments of Wonderful
Sarah La Osita’s Weblog
Scott – Rolling in the D
Stacey – The Girl With The Portable Pancreas
Scully – Canadian D-Gal
Stephen –
Wendy – Candy Hearts Blog

Posted on September 4, 2012, in Diabetes, DOC and tagged . Bookmark the permalink. 6 Comments.

  1. Thanks!
    Even better – there’s a few on the list I haven’t read so I’m off to meet some new people!


  2. These are great posts! And a special thank you to whomever it was that nominated my new ink to be included in this round up! 🙂


  3. Great to read! I’m excited to read some new names I see 🙂


  4. Congrations, Scott, on hosting this month! And congrats to the winners and nominees! Great job, everyone! 😀


  5. Great job Scott!

    Thanks for helping to spread the word about the awesomeness around the DOC last month!


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